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Our Partners

Learning Heroes –
Go Beyond Grades Campaign

National Public Awareness Campaign – Helping Parents Be More Effective Advocates for Their Child’s Learning

Our Partners

Harvard’s Center for Education Policy Research – Education Recovery Scorecard

Harvard's Center for Education Policy Research is Creating Actionable Data for States and Districts to Address Pandemic Related Learning Loss

Our Partners

CurriculumHQ – Collaborative for Student Success

Championing High-Quality Curriculum and Aligned Teacher Training

Our Partners

Gallup – Learning Heroes Report

Building the Case for Parent Engagement – Uncovering the Disconnect Between What Parents Believe and What is True

Our Partners

US Chamber of Commerce Foundation

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation is the Leading Voice on Data and Accountability from Washington DC to State Capitols Across the Country

Our Journey

Where we are.
Where we are going.

On January 1, 2024, we moved from our previous home – HCM Strategists – to our new one, Waypoint Education Partners. With the full support of our friends and colleagues at HCM, what was formerly known as the K-12 team is embarking on a new adventure that will allow us to grow and innovate in the ways in which we continue to serve our partners and clients.
Watch Waypoint CEO Cindi Williams' TED Talk

Each parent should have an accurate picture of their child’s academic progress to fully engage as an informed advocate for their child’s learning.

Our Approach

We have a proven track record of success – from national communications campaigns that change public opinion, to informing new legislation, to standing up advocacy organizations, to creating reports that change what the field knows and understands. We see ourselves as extended members of our partners’ team with an aligned mission, shared goals, and equal passion moving toward a better education system.